Frederic Remington Art Lesson

Art Projects and Curriculum

Explore the rugged landscapes and dynamic scenes of the American West with our captivating art lessons inspired by Frederic Remington. Delve into Remington's iconic depictions of cowboys, Native Americans, and the frontier through engaging lesson plans. Students will learn about Remington's unique style and techniques, gaining inspiration to create their own Western-inspired artworks that capture the spirit of the American frontier.

Student Artwork Showcase









About Fredric Remington (1861-1909)

Frederic Remington was an American painter, sculptor, and illustrator. Born in 1861, he is best known for his depictions of the American West, including cowboys, Native Americans, and military figures. Remington's works are characterized by their attention to detail, dynamic compositions, and vivid depictions of action and movement. He was known for his innovative techniques, such as capturing the fluid motion of horses and the dramatic energy of western life.

Over time, Remington became a leading figure in the American Western art movement and his works continue to be celebrated for their historical significance and beauty. Today, Remington's works can be found in major museums around the world, and he remains one of the most famous and beloved artists of American Western art.

Frederic Remington Art Lesson, Activity & Projects for Elementary

The life and art of Frederic Remington is presented creatively to make art history come alive. The children will investigate his realistic paintings that recorded the vanishing American “Old West.” In their classroom art activities, realism will be emphasized in landscapes created with chalk on colored paper. Be sure to click through the student masterpieces at the top of this page.

Note: This art unit contains sensitive subject matter related to race, violence and guns.

Art Elements Taught


Art Activity Emphasis

Old West Landscapes

Vocabulary Learned

background, bronze, detail, foreground, illustrator, landscape, realistic, sculptor, sculpture

Student Art Supplies

Chalk, Pencils
Art Lessons for Frederic Remington

How the Art Program Works:

1. Assembly

Introducing the Masters—Multi-Purpose Room or Classroom (20-45 minutes)

2. Student Worksheets

Learning from the Masters—Classroom (15-30 minutes)

3. Student Art Projects

Working with the Masters—Classroom (50-60 minutes)

Real Reviews from Real Teachers & Parents

See Why Everyone Loves Meet The Masters

On behalf of all the teachers and students of dePortola Elementary School, I’d like to commend you for providing an outstanding first year of Meet the Masters for our school. The quality of your program is excellent. The teachers felt their students truly learned to recognize the works and styles of the great masters that they were introduced to. We appreciated the variety of classroom art projects presented.

Our lecturer was well liked by teachers and students. She is professional and responsive to each age group of students. I also found her to be excellent as our coordinator and workshop presenter. We felt very fortunate that she was with us.

Our principal has also been enthusiastic and supportive of the Meet the Masters program. We both will always be pleased to recommend your program to other elementary schools.

Suzanne Helmstetter
Teacher, dePortola Elementary School

More Artists on the Same Track

Buy a track of 7 artists and teach all year long.

All tracks include:

  • Implementation guide to manage scheduling, volunteers & communication
  • Multi-level, age-appropriate curriculum for all seven artists in this track
  • Engaging PowerPoint visuals that include vocabulary, art concepts & music
  • Timed, illustrated & scripted lessons perfect for teachers or volunteers
  • Hands-on technique worksheets, art project details, art prints, games & props

*Art supplies and teacher/volunteer training DVDs can be added to your order.