Actually, it’s both.  Meet the Masters teaches art appreciation through engaging, educator-led presentations.  The students learn about the history, cultures and lives of the Master Artists via PowerPoint, large art prints, props, games, dress ups, and voices and music of the associated historical era.  It is highly motivational and always age appropriate.  There is additional instruction in the classroom with our proven technique packets that reinforce the style of the artist before the children start the art activity.

This 3-Step learning process has proven to be very comprehensive and successful.  Since 1985, over 3 million students have been taught and every school that has implemented the program has been 100% satisfied.

Meet the Masters can be taught by an art instructor, school staff, parent volunteers or any combination of the above.  Each artist unit offers step-by-step instructions for all 3 steps of the curriculum.  In addition, we offer training videos for both teachers and volunteers to get you up to speed fast.  It can be taught by parents or teachers at their school or one of our professional art teachers if your school is in Southern California.

Many states share the same framework requirements for the arts. Click here to see a complete listing of how our curriculum is integrated with state standards for all grade levels.

Yes, we have incredibly competitive pricing on our art supplies because we purchase them in such large quantities.  Please review the below PDFs to learn what schools can purchase from Meet the Masters versus what they can supply.  Note that MTM does not supply paper, glue or scissors. Contact us for supply details.

Track A Artist Units: Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Winslow Homer, Mary Cassatt, Piet Mondrian, Pablo Picasso and M.C. Escher.  View Artists In Tracks A – E.  Your school can start with any track, but most schools choose Track A.  See all 5 Tracks here.

We selected these Masters for their exciting artwork, unique lives, style of art, and the elements dominant in their artwork (color, texture, balance, rhythm, value, line, pattern, etc. ) The children learn and use these elements and styles in their own artwork. The results are outstanding and memorable!  View MTM Art Gallery.

A team of experienced art teachers, lead by a credentialed elementary teacher, work on the development of all lessons.  When fine-tuned, the lessons are then classroom tested in the corresponding grade levels.  If changes are needed, editing is done, and it is classroom tested again until we are assured of an optimum and enjoyable learning experience for all ability levels.  Be sure to read testimonials from parents and teachers and view our student art gallery.

There are 5 tracks (A-E) that include 7 artists in each track for a total of 35 artists. Each track includes an implementation guide with step-by-step instructions, PowerPoint slides, visual aids, online art prints, game props and vocabulary words.  Educator training videos and art supplies for classrooms are sold separately.  If you buy an individual artist unit, it comes with by-step instructions, PowerPoint slides, visual aids, online art prints, game props and vocabulary words.

After purchase, artist assembly and teacher training content may be delivered by USB drive, Dropbox or CD.  Many artists also include a PDF of the presentation if you are not using PowerPoint.

  • For USB delivery from MTM:
    • Plug the USB device into your computer’s USB input
    • Open up the MTM file on your computer
    • Choose to move/drag files from MTM file onto your computer or external drive
    • Choose to run (double click) files from your computer
  • For Dropbox links emailed by MTM, please do the following within three weeks of receiving it:
    • Download files to your computer (directions) or to a flashdrive / external drive
    • Download files to your own DropBox account (get Dropbox for free)
    • Download files to your school server/network (consult your school IT contact)
    • Download files to other storage products (ex. Google Drive)
    • NOTE: Video files are large and may need to be placed on your computer, school’s server, etc

Times may vary depending on class size and artist, but here is a general breakdown of each step and how long it takes to prep and implement it:

  • Step 1:  Introducing the Masters (Assemblies):  Takes about an hour to get familiar with the slides (images) and script.  Allow 20-45 minutes to implement in the assembly with the students.
  • Step 2:  Learning from the Masters (Technique Packets):  Takes about 20 minutes to review and prep by making copies for each child.  Allow 15-30 minutes to implement in the classroom with the students.
  • Step 3:   Working with the Masters (Art Projects):  Takes about 1 hour to make a sample project before teaching it.  Plan to spend an additional hour prepping supplies as detailed in the curriculum binder.  Allow 50-60 minutes to implement in the classroom with the students.

We have been researching and refining our art curriculum for over 35 years.  We provide art enrichment on multi-cultural artists that meet the following items:

  • Significance in art history
  • Representation of major periods in art
  • Interest and appropriateness for children
  • Art elements to be introduced and explored

Schools use varying sources to fund the program:

  • PTA / PTO
  • School District
  • Grants
  • Fundraising
  • Individual Donations
  • State Department of Education

It’s Proven:

Art education can improve students’ scores in core subjects up to 20%. Since 1985, over 3 million students have been taught and no school has returned the product.  100% of the schools have been satisfied and many have purchased multiple tracks.

It’s Easy:

No art background needed to teach. Simple step-by-step curriculum.  We’ve done the work for you!

It’s Fun:

Kids love the artist voices, interactive assemblies with costumes, era music, hundreds of images, and creating their own masterpieces!

It’s Age-Appropriate:

3-4 Difficulty Levels based on learning capabilities assure a perfect fit for each and every student.


Beginner: Grades 1 – 2
Intermediate: Grades 3 – 4
Advanced: Grades 5 – 8+

Click here to get pricing.  For additional questions or to place an order, contact us directly.

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