
Get Pricing Today

Discover pricing for our comprehensive art lesson plans for elementary schools. Enhance your curriculum with engaging and educational art activities designed to inspire creativity and learning in young students. We offer a free sneak peak training video. Get your pricing today

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Curriculum Pricing

From individual artists to yearly tracks, see the investment schools across the country have been raving about for over 35 years. The best part about our curriculum is that once you own it, it’s timeless hands-on content can be taught for years to come and with no additional license fee.

Sneak Peak Video

This 4 minute video gives you an up close look at our popular Leonardo da Vinci lesson plan. You will see:

  • Engaging History About Da Vinci
  • Students Playing Interactive Games
  • Step by Step Instruction for Artwork
  • The Inspired Masterpieces

Free Training Video

Get a FREE TRAINING VIDEO with first purchase of a track of seven artists ($30 value). View the curriculum in a short video to see an actual lesson and script. Make an investment in art, your school & students today.

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