My 10-year-old daughter surprised me when she recognized a Picasso. “This was his blue period”, she said. “How did you know that”, I asked. Her reply was, “I learned about Picasso at Meet The Masters”.
I’m thrilled our school supports this program!
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Schools implementing Meet the Masters with their own teachers/parents can save 15% on a track purchase that includes 7 artists. Plus, save 15% on art supplies for your school when added to your track order. Average savings is over $400! Call Sue McNair at 949-215-1064 to get a quote. Offer expires Feb. 28th, 2021 March 19th, 2021 – it’s been extended!
Looking for online distance learning for your school? Click here for details and a preview.
Contact Sue to Get a Free Quote: 949-215-1064 /
Each track purchase includes an implementation guide with step-by-step instructions, PowerPoint/PDF slides, visual aids, art prints, game props and vocabulary words. Training materials are included and training DVDs are available for purchase.
Sue McNair (Coordinator for Schools and Districts) / 949-215-1064
Here are the artists that make up each track (view all 35 artists here):
My 10-year-old daughter surprised me when she recognized a Picasso. “This was his blue period”, she said. “How did you know that”, I asked. Her reply was, “I learned about Picasso at Meet The Masters”.
I’m thrilled our school supports this program!