Who doesn’t love positive feedback and gratitude? We recently received the letter below from a former MTM student. That our program made such a long-lasting impression on her warms our artsy hearts.
Good afternoon! I’m writing to you today with a deep appreciation for the Meet the Masters program. I attended elementary school at a private Catholic school in Costa Mesa and experienced MTM first hand at a very young age. Art made me feel empowered, creative, and capable. MTM came into my life at a time when life was forcing me to grow up quicker than I imagined. Through art, I felt the freedom to express what I couldn’t articulate at the time.
I’m 30 now and still find art to be my voice.
My husband recently introduced me to a client of his who happens to work for Meet The Masters locally. When I met her, she was standing there in a paint covered MTM apron with the biggest smile on her face. In this moment, all of my childhood memories came flooding back and I couldn’t help but feel emotional. I honestly didn’t realize that the program was still around!
Since our meeting a few weeks ago, I have felt the desire to reach out and express gratitude towards this epic program. If I can be of service in any way, I would love to give back. I’m a mother to an 18 month old and work part time as a dental assistant. While I love my work, I recognize that my heart’s voice wants me to spread the power of creative expression and I would be a fool not to honor that.
Thank you for reading this and I hope this message finds you well.
Natalie Stafford