Learn from MTM Teachers at Home or in Classrooms

Professional and Engaging MTM Teachers Available (Watch at Home or in Classrooms)
We offer 3 levels of virtual learning for 17 Master Artist units. They include recorded assemblies, downloadable worksheets, art supply lists and recorded step-by-step art projects instruction. We also offer quality art supply kits with everything the student needs to get started. We supply interesting media such as oil pastels, paint crayons and many others to encourage creativity. Looking for our curriculum that you or your volunteers can teach? Get a quote here.
Price is $400 per artist or $2600 for track of 7 artists. Access Now – June 2025.
If your school has already purchased online artist units, you can login here.
Instructor Audio with Art History Visuals (17 artist units)
Instructor Audio & Visual with Enhanced Lessons (11 artist units)
* Enhanced Lessons – A Meet the Masters teacher presents the lessons.
This is a preview of a single lesson for Leonardo da Vinci. Not only will your students get to experience learning about this amazing master artist, but they get a much needed creativity break and be able to create their own masterpieces. If your school would like to offer Virtual Learning, please contact us:
Please do not use this for your school or students, it is for evaluation purposes only.
Meet the Masters Presents: Leonardo da Vinci
Introduction from your MTM Teacher (All Grades)
Watch the Online Assembly for Your Grade Level
Grades 3-4 (Intermediate)
Download and Complete Worksheet for Your Grade Level
Download Art Project Supply List & Watch Video for Your Grade Level
Art project supply list for all levels: Leonardo da Vinci Supply List (have supplies ready first)
Grades 3-4 (Video Instructions for Art Project)
Note: The supply list above uses items commonly found in your home.
The art supplies may be different than the art supplies shown in the video instruction below.
Instructional video produced for parents and teachers but can be used for individual instruction.
Take some photos of your masterpiece and share it with us! Be sure to show your teacher too!
Contact us to get pricing and more details:
Sonya Stone
Director of Service Schools
(562) 889-8478
Sue McNair
Sales Manager
(949) 215-1064
If your school has already purchased MTM Distance Learning, you can login here.