In the NewsPeopleThanks from Meet the MastersNovember 15, 2024Thank you to the parents, teachers, administrators & of course, the art kiddos that make our lives so rewarding. We…
HistoryIn the NewsPeopleRemembering Faith Ringgold (1930-2024)April 15, 2024Faith Ringgold passed away on April 12, 2024 at the age of 93. Of the 35 artist units from Meet…
BlogGeneralPeopleTincher Prep Showcases Faith Ringgold Quilt ProjectsApril 17, 2014We love getting feedback from schools using Meet the Masters. Below are few photos and words from Tincher preparatory School…
BlogPeopleMeet the Masters Teachers & Staff for 2012-13September 11, 2012I am proud to introduce you to the entire staff of Meet the Masters 2012-13. We all anticipate the privilege of…
BlogPeopleCrystal Bridges Museum of American Art: Alice Walton, Wal-Mart Heiress, Opens Art Museum In ArkansasNovember 9, 2011BENTONVILLE, Ark. — As an heir to the Wal-Mart fortune, Alice Walton had the means to buy almost any piece…
BlogIn the NewsPeopleSteve Jobs, Jef Raskin, Apple and Why We Teach the Arts in Our SchoolsOctober 11, 2011I often find myself in front of policy and decision makers discussing the status and condition of arts education in…
BlogPeopleMeet the Masters Teacher Spotlight: Karen PackerFebruary 7, 2011We all know that students are the most important people in the education process, however, we believe that teachers, parents…
BlogPeopleObserving Meet the Masters in the ClassroomDecember 3, 2010Last week, I had the opportunity to travel to Vista del Mar Elementary School in San Clemente, CA. Kristy Johnson…
BlogPeopleMTM Teacher Spotlight: Teri AalsethDecember 2, 2010We all know that students are the most important people in the education process, however, we believe that teachers, parents…