Did you know that Meet the Masters provides art training on DVD? We offer a training DVD for each of our 35 artists that teaches the instructor how to implement the art project. The price has recently been lowered from $50 per artist to $30 per artist. The training DVD covers the art project instruction for Beginner (grades 1 and 2), Intermediate (grades 3 and 4) and Advanced (grades 5+) projects. To qualify, your school must already own the curriculum.
MTM used to offer them on VHS, but now they are ready to be played on your computer or DVD player. This is primarily useful to schools who :
- Implement MTM all on their own without our professionally trained teachers.
- Supplement their inservices for staff or volunteers who are unable to attend trainings.
- Refresh retention for staff or volunteers who aren’t going to teach the lesson soon.
- Want individuals to train according to their own availability.
The teacher training DVDs are optional because our curriculum comes with written instructions. The training DVDs are for schools that have parents or teachers that would benefit from watching one of our teachers visually demonstrate how to do the art project.
To order, please contact us.