MTM note: Sometimes we find very funny (and honest) posts about what it’s like to be an art teacher. This posting is from the blog titled: Art Teachers Hate Glitter.
Note from the Blogger:
This is not your typical art teacher blog. You will not find cool lesson plans or pictures of student art work here (well, maybe a few).
There are many other (better) blogs out there where you can find that sort of thing. Here you will be given a glimpse into the (crazy) mind of an (overworked and underfed) elementary art teacher. This blog is not safe for children.
Super Art Teacher
We all want to be the perfect art teacher, right? Everyone’s favorite teacher. The one who has cool stories to tell, the one with all sorts of art knowledge, and the one who teaches every student everything they ever wanted to know about art. We want to connect with every student, invoke…
What? A drink? No, you can’t go get a drink. If I send you I’ll have to send everyone. Now please listen, it’s Ms. Art Teacher’s time to talk.
Where was I? Oh right, the perfect art teacher. We dream of being the teacher who instills curiosity in our students’ minds. Encourages them to experiment and explore and investigate. We want our students to…
Can you please sit still? What do you need? Do you think now is an appropriate time to use the bathroom? Probably not, huh? You can go when I ‘m finished talking.
Read the entire ‘very funny’ blog post here.